Oblivion Acrylic Print
by Alessandro Della Pietra
Product Details
Oblivion acrylic print by Alessandro Della Pietra. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of an acrylic print. Your image gets printed directly onto the back of a 1/4" thick sheet of clear acrylic. The high gloss of the acrylic sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results. Two different mounting options are available, see below.
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About Alessandro Della Pietra
Al Digit ArtPromuovi anche tu la tua Pagina Segui @alecapellone !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); I was born in 1973 in Rome where I always lived. I've been dealing with publishing graphics since 1992, with particular attention to the manipulation and retouching of images. Since I was a kid I always liked to observe everything around me, understand, absorb, until I realized that in addition to looking at it, this reality, I might rework it, make it my own and make it into new dimensions. I love everything that...
Rainbow Artist Orlando L
Wow!! you wow me again with this stunning imagination and creation!! what a concept!! i feel sad to see him slowly melting…. hope it is not too painful for him!! L/F
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
We can't know, it was a story about solitude, thank you very much!
Miroslava Jurcik
Revisiting this deep work !! l/f
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
thank you very much!
Debra Lynch
Very cool, love this Alessandro. L/F
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
thank you so much!
Elaine Mikkelstrup
I have felt like that a few times l/f
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
it was good to share, thank you for commenting!
Laurie Search
Wow, this is so cool, Ale!!!! :)))vf
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
thank you so much Laurie :)
Jim Fitzpatrick
Very creative work! fv
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
thank you very much!
Christy Cox
WoW! spectacular details and emotions!
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
thank you very much! :)
Mark Ashkenazi
wonderful art work , l f v
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
thank you very much!
Miroslava Jurcik
Wow ! This is amazing ! l/f
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
thank you very much!
Bedros Awak
Something very interesting and stylish..love it. l,f,t,
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
Thank you very much!
Mary Machare
I have felt this way before but never have I seen it so well articulated in artwork. Fabulous! LF FB
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
Thank you so much for your words and your support Mary!
Christiane Schulze
Fantastic work Alessandro :-)
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
thank you very much! :)
Genevieve Esson
You are so amazing Alessandro! Your imagination is superb! Love this! v/f
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
Thank you so much! :)
Outstandingly creative and brilliantly conceived work ! f,v
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
THank you so much! :)
Jacqueline McReynolds
Another amazing piece Alessandro...such incredible detail and so thought provoking...brilliant! v/f
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
Thank you so much! :)
Mark Ashkenazi
lovely art work . v
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
Thank you very much Mark!
Danielle Haney
Hard to pick a Fave or two from this Incredible Gallery~ But this is JUST SO AWESOME!!! * * * * *
Alessandro Della Pietra replied:
Thank you very much for your words Danielle!
Alessandro Della Pietra
Glad you like it!
Donatella Muggianu
Alessandro Della Pietra
Thank you very much Linda, always kind!
Linda Sannuti
Oh the melt down we all experience...I really dig this one! Super creative work!